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LIMAX 120W Diode-Pumped Nd:YAG Laser at 1.318um - ideal for the treatment of lung metastases as well as various applications in Endobronchial Surgery

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LIMAX Videos

The following set of videos demonstrate the various surgical prcedures that can be carried out using either the LIMAX 120 or the LIMAX 60 Surgical Laser Systems.

VideoWatch: LIMAX Product Video followed by a Selection of Procedures.

VideoWatch: LIMAX used for Open Thoracic Procedures

VideoWatch: LIMAX used for Lung Metastasectomy via VATS (at Jimmy's Hospital, Leeds)

VideoWatch: LIMAX used for VATS Metastasectomy

VideoWatch: LIMAX used for Endobronchial Procedures

VideoWatch: LIMAX used for Resections of the Liver